Kvant Light Sessions – Unbelievably Pioneering Light Makes Business

Kvant Light Sessions – Unbelievably Pioneering Light Makes Business
With Martin De La Gabcho
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Kvant Light Sessions – Unbelievably Pioneering Light Makes Business
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Kvant Light Sessions – Unbelievably Pioneering Light, Makes Business
Tim Bennett: Kvant Light Sessions came about during the pandemic.
You know, Kvant is not a company just to sit back and do nothing doing a pandemic.
They’re not one of those companies that sit there twiddling their thumbs going “Oh my God we’re in a pandemic!”
Kvant is a world leader in entertainment and came up with this new concept called Kvant Light Sessions.
In this chat today, with Martin De La Gabcho, we’re going to find out exactly what Kvant Light Sessions are and if you are sitting around doing nothing wondering what you can do for your next show, this may very well inspire you.
So I’m being joined today by one of the new awesome guys…
He is a new friend to me anyway, is Martin De La Gabcho from Kvant.
He’s joining us all the way from the other side of the world, because I’m in Asia and he’s going to explain to us what Kvant Light Sessions are all about…
So if you’re in the entertainment industry and you want to be inspired now is the moment to sit here and watch with awe as we welcome Martin De La Gabcho to ArgonTV…
Martin it’s great to have you here thank you.
Martin De La Gabcho: Hello Tim. Nice to meet you.
Tim Bennett: You too and this is actually the very first time we’ve ever spoken, but it’s not the first time we’ve had Kvant on ArgonTV and we featured you in the magazine many times.
You are a regular to our program.
So it’s good to have you here and what I thought I’d do is just to get started, is maybe you could give us a little history into you personally, your career and then your career with Kvant, just tell us a little bit about yourself.
Martin De La Gabcho: Yeah. Well basically, my career started something around 2000 when I was finishing high school and then I once visited a club where was an amazing 50-milliwatt green laser and that was the moment when I opened my mouth like “what this light is? Oh my gosh!
I want this! I want this…”
But of course as a student that time, I didn’t have enough money, but I managed somehow to buy a 100 milliwatts… a module and I built my own laser.
I open hard drives from the computer and I made the Scanners from the hard drives, because at that time, I studied high power electronics, so I somehow, know how the electronics work, so I do the laser and then as the time passed, I saw I need something bigger, more powerful, that time, well the laser was very expensive, so that time, I got a house from my grandparents, who suddenly died and I got this apartment, so like maybe this is chance for me.
So I sold the house and I bought a laser.
Tim Bennett: WOW!
Martin De La Gabcho: So… and yes, it was, the simple, the laser was so amazing for me, so that I want to do everything for it and then I start to travel more for the events, for the clubs and so on and then some years, I decided I want to go bigger, so I started a request at Kvant if I could join them and then in one day around, I think it was 2000, they take me and then we start work together and see all these days.
Tim Bennett: Fantastic and the reason I’m smiling so much right now, is because your story… you went to a nightclub and you saw a 50 milliwatt laser, is very similar to mine.
I went to a nightclub, in fact I owned the nightclub, I bought the nightclub when I was 28 and you know, if anyone’s on this channel on a regular basis, they’ll know this story.
I bought the nightclub, I was a very naive businessman…
I had no idea what I was doing, and my DJ said to me “we have a laser” and I go, “what’s a laser?”
You know, we turned on this 100 milliwatt air cooled laser and my mouth fell open and I fell in love with laser, just like you.
So that’s that’s brilliant.
You know, I’ve never met anyone else who had that story, but I think there’s a moment and you know, you sold a house to buy a laser…
I think there’s a moment where you realize that you have something special in your hands, that many other people don’t have and in the time when you started and definitely when I started, it was a time when laser was actually fairly rare and you kind of, when you walked into the room, it was like “Oh the laser boys are here,” you know, it was a very nice feeling.
So excellent…
What a great start.
So you’ve been with Kvant for some time now?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yeah, so since it’s like now, it’s 2021 like 11 years…
Tim Bennett: So you’ve done a few shows in 11 years yeah?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes, so most of the shows that you know from from Kvant in the past from me, but I was doing the programming.
Tim Bennett: Fantastic… yeah and Michal keeps on sending me pictures through and I’m sure some of those are from your shows as well.
Martin De La Gabcho: These days, we have a new colleague, Jakub, he is also very passionate, so we are doing work together.
Tim Bennett: Fantastic.
Well it’s great to have you here and in a moment we’re going to talk about your Kvant Light Sessions and if you’re wondering what a Kvant Light Session is, if you look behind me, this is just a little bit of teaser… and if you look behind Martin this is a little teaser of what’s going to come.
We’re going to be talking to Martin in just a moment.
He’s going to give us a guided tour of the studio, but we’re just going to take a very quick break.
Don’t go away, because we’ll be back in just a moment.
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Tim Bennett: So welcome back to ArgonTV.
This is Tim Bennett.
I am being joined by the one and only Martin De La Gabcho from Kvant and we are talking about Kvant Light Sessions.
So first of all Martin, I gotta ask, what is a Kvant Light Session?
Martin De La Gabcho: Well Kvant Light Session came out in just a good time.
We built this showroom right before the pandemic.
As we build a showroom, that was the idea, but somewhere that time, in the mind we had like “let’s build the space like multifunctional, that will be a showroom, but in case we need to do some performance there, it will be accessible.”
So that time… In March the pandemic start, everything start cancel and stop and so on, so it’s like “okay what we could do?”
Then we got like “okay let’s make some, some event with the DJ.”
That was the easiest… easiest way to start to bring DJ here.
We prepare some some like starting demo, prepare some scenes and we transmit this.
Then the Light Session start and actually was a good idea, because some… then we promoted and some client got like “oh this is good studio, that we could do some some performance there.”
So then another DJ’s come and then was not only about the DJ’s and the serious clients came like the Kaufman Shopping Mall, came like if we could do a band will play here, that will have some simulation of concerts, then we had some talks here, The Night of Scientists, yeah also and even like that, so it, even is a pandemic, it brings some money.
Here Are Some Photos of The Kvant Light Sessions:
Tim Bennett: And that’s brilliant and I think, what’s interesting, is that you have this little seed of an idea and you incubate it and you work on it and it grows and you start off with something you know reasonably simple, like a DJ and it attracts other people, it attracts other businesses into what you’re doing, and it grows from there.
It’s brilliant.
So you have… go ahead…
Martin De La Gabcho: Well, just want to say that the showroom had less equipment.
The space was good enough, so we start adding more and more and more and now what you have behind you, is the equipment that we have right now here.
Tim Bennett: Roughly how big is the space?
Martin De La Gabcho: Approximately 15 meters x 7 and five meters (high), so it’s like, quite fine studio.
Tim Bennett: Yeah that’s a pretty reasonable size.
So if, you know, if you have a space that’s empty and you got some lights, I would fill it full of lights.
Martin De La Gabcho: It’s important to have it black!
Tim Bennett: Okay that’s good to know and then when you’ve first started to talk to the DJ’s that…
And presumably these are local DJ’s?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes, yes, yes, because the traveling is difficult.
Yes very difficult yeah.
Tim Bennett: So when you first started talking to them, did they readily accept this or was it a hard sell?
Martin De La Gabcho: Well the first, very beginning was one of our colleagues is a DJ, that’s playing in the past… only like “let’s make this project together and then we will see how it will start” and it became work quite good.
Tim Bennett: Excellent and I think this is something that’s that’s very important is you start with what you’ve got.
When I first started doing the ArgonTV interviews, I started with people that I already knew in the industry.
Like the first person I started with was William Benner from Pangolin.
He and I have known each other for 25 or 30 years, so I said “would you be my first guest?”
Because I knew him, so I think this is very good that you started locally with people you know.
And then it’s brought in new people yes?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes it’s so, it’s much better to do something than to just to leave the equipment in the warehouse.
Yes you just, you need to have passionate people that want to work and then the things will go.
It will start.
Tim Bennett: Yeah and who are the DJ’s that you’ve been working with?
Would we know their names?
Martin De La Gabcho: Probably not.
So they are local DJ’s even some of them are playing in the foreign (circuit).
Well I don’t think you will know them.
Tim Bennett: Okay and I was watching some of the videos that were sent to me and very impressive, I must say… very powerful space… is the sequences that you’ve got, are they operated manually or is it all pre-programmed?
Martin De La Gabcho: Manually.
Well there was… we’ve created some short intro.
It starts, the starter DJ set and then everything was operated manually.
Here I have MA for lights, Beyond.
Then there is video at the end and my other side here is a server for streaming.
So I think it’s operated manually.
Tim Bennett: That’s a very impressive lighting desk you have behind you.
I’m jealous!
So you just mentioned the streaming.
This is another side to that.
You actually do this live streaming don’t you?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes, yes, yes.
Tim Bennett: How long is it a session?
Martin De La Gabcho: The first one that we started had two hours and then as you grow and grow, we made a live session for eight hours.
That was for a new year celebration like four hours before midnight and four hours after midnight.
Tim Bennett: Well that’s cool!
Martin De La Gabcho: That was fine so we somehow was at the at the evening in the party!
Tim Bennett: Yeah!
Well happy new year!
Okay, so is there any way that you can show us a little bit of what you do in the studio or or not?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yeah.
I’ll share the screen then.
Yep this this one there you see it okay?
Tim Bennett: Yes!
Martin De La Gabcho: I’ll just quickly play… this is from the light Session so…
Yeah like some kind of small small club just without people.
Tim Bennett: Yeah I look forward to the day we’ll have real people!
Yeah you’ve got some equipment there… right?
Martin De La Gabcho: Plenty of lasers and yeah it’s around 20 lasers 20 to 24 I think, some kinetics, lights… LED screen around.
Tim Bennett: Yeah and Vanda sent me a list of equipment, which I’ll probably include in the description later.
Here is the full list from Vanda:
18x KVANT Burstberry
3x KVANT Clubmax 6000 FB4 1x KVANT Spectrum 20W 1x KVANT Clubmax 3000 FB4 with optical bench
10x LaserBar red
4x LaserBar RGB
60x kinetic light balls
12x Prolight Air5fun
1x RollUp transparent screen 6x5m
1x video projector 5000Ansi
LED screen P3,9
middle: 24p
side 1: 2x 6p
side 2: 2x 12p
side 3: 2x 2x 8p
Hazer: Swefog+Unique
I’ll also put links to the videos that she sent me as well.
So if people want to check out what you’ve done on YouTube, that can do that.
Kvant Light Sessions/ Welcome 2021 – Johnny De City | Mashup
Kvant Light Sessions – Yanko Kral | Eclectic
DJ Benco | LIVE Laser & Techno show
Martin De La Gabcho: Quickly I will show you some other event that we do.
Here… this was The Night Of Scientists, was some kind of conference that was live-streamed.
Tim Bennett: This is very good.
Martin De La Gabcho: We have a motoric screen here that we could use separate holograms.
So the people who speak, the moderator who speak, he is not like in the behind, the green screen, but here you know, seeing real what what he is watching.
Yeah It’s not related only with the lasers, but in general, like what the possibilities in the space.
Tim Bennett: So when you first started this how long did it take you to put together?
Martin De La Gabcho: The first one yeah… that’s good question, I think take three months, because the room was completely empty, it was nothing, so we have to paint them, bring the electricity, build the trusses, carpets and then all the equipment and program.
So that’ll take a few months.
Tim Bennett: Yeah and you know, we’ve been locked down for nearly a year, so three months is a very good investment in those times.
And also you know when equipment is not being used, it just stops working, so nothing better than
having stuff working, being used, promoting the company and using a space very wisely.
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes exactly.
Here right now, what they’re playing is another part was make, like some kind of video clip promotion for Porsche, I think.
Tim Bennett: So has this brought you many clients?
Martin De La Gabcho: Not like many many, but yes some new clients.
Tim Bennett: That’s fantastic, I mean, it doesn’t get much better than that, when so many people are out of work or complaining that they have no work, you’ve done something that attracts new business, that could lead to a lot more business and I’m guessing that you’re going to be keeping this studio for some time.
This is not something going to shut down, you know, once events get back?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes, yes it’s good that also, it’s not only part of live streaming, but also make some, you know, promotion videos or like, especially like, this the banks that are lasers everywhere and the people have to cross.
Yeah, so the first thing is was that we have to invest hours of time and to build everything together and promote it, and then it’s start work.
Tim Bennett: Oh yes indeed.
So can clients come in and can they rent your premises basically and do productions inside or product launches or?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes, yes, exactly, exactly.
Tim Bennett: Okay and if someone wanted to do that, how would they get in touch with you?
Martin De La Gabcho: Oh the best way, is through my colleague and Michal Rozek, showproduction@kvant.sk
Just write, like what’s the idea, what they would like to do and they can start to talk and then they come to me and then we’ll have some creative ideas what we could do.
Tim Bennett: Fantastic and what is the situation right now with Covid where you are?
Is it still bad or is it, you know, can people move around?
Martin De La Gabcho: The government said it’s bad.
So everything is closed.
Just the shops with the food, and all the other shops are closed.
Supposedly we should stay at home and have minimum contacts, but as everybody, we bring masks.
So in the studio also have a ventilation that take this… is refreshing the air.
Tim Bennett: Yes, I like your comment, “the government says it’s bad,”
Yes. Let’s see what happens next! I think it’s going to be some time before the world gets back to full events.
Even if the government announced tomorrow, like it’s all over, we can all go back to normal, I think people are scared now to stand beside each other and it’s going to take a little while before we all go back, you know, to the concerts with ten thousand people, hundred thousand people and I think this kind of event that you’re doing is going to be here for some time.
So if someone wanted to do something similar, how would they get started with something like this?
What’s the first steps that they take?
Martin De La Gabcho: First step is, well choose good place and make some kind of interesting stage design, you you need some light, not so sophisticated, not so many, you need lasers and put together.
You need to make some promotion video about what you are capable, what you are capable to do and start sharing, share, share and share.
Here Are Some More Photos of The Kvant Light Sessions:
Tim Bennett: Brilliant and what I’m going to do is, I’m going to embed some of the videos that Vande sent me, into this, so that people can get an idea of what you can do, but I did watch a couple of the videos and wow excellent!
Martin De La Gabcho: Just quickly, I want to say probably only lasers, really not enough, we have to include something more.
You need to, have to include some lights, some LED screen, maybe that will attract The client more,
because only lasers will be not enough suddenly.
Tim Bennett: Yeah I would agree with that.
I think you need a good all-round studio.
I like that you had the live element with the dancers.
It was nice as well and also obviously the DJ was there as well.
So I think having the live performance is very good.
So where do you go with this next?
How do you grow this?
Martin De La Gabcho: Well right now, right now we improving the showroom itself, when potential clients came, not like with the DJ, but the showroom itself, that he (the client) sit in the sofa and he watch like we have prepared, like half hour show, that is introducing the company what everything we do, the manufacturer, all the kind of events that we do is presented on the left screen behind me, and in combination with lasers.
Tim Bennett: Okay, so you did mention that you had laser and you have Beyond, what other controllers do you have there behind you?
Martin De La Gabcho: Well MA for video right now, there is Resolume, or we using Watchout and that’s basically the base setup and then depending on the event, the sound guys came, they connect the video console to edit and look at the videos, they bring our cameras, because every production have own setup.
So from from our side we’re providing lights, video and lasers and the rest, they they came.
The other day, they bring three.
So during a streaming session, how many are you in the tech booth?
Like four, five five.
Tim Bennett: So it’s a pretty good setup.
Martin De La Gabcho: Thanks it’s fine, it’s fine, but better than them being at home.
Tim Bennett: Absolutely yes!
Great, Well I really appreciate you showing the the sessions with us, the Kvant Light Sessions with us, as I say, i’ll put links to them underneath and I want to thank you for being here with us on ArgonTV, taking the time just to show us.
So any final thoughts before we wrap up and go?
Martin De La Gabcho: I had prepared something…
I will say, just don’t sit on ass and cry and do something!
Tim Bennett: Absolutely, in fact, I don’t know if you know the book, “Who Moved My Cheese?“
Have you read that book?
Martin De La Gabcho: No not this one!
Tim Bennett: It’s an awesome business book.
It’s called “Who Moved My Cheese,” it’s about four little characters and what happens… every day they go to eat cheese and one day there’s no cheese.
And the book is about what the four characters do when they discover there’s no cheese.
And obviously one runs off to look for new cheese, and one of them sits around and does absolutely nothing expecting new cheese to be put back, and I think where we are right now with what’s going on in the world, it’s kind of similar.
We’ve had our cheese taken away from us and our cheese was the events.
So rather, as you said, rather than just sitting on our ass crying about things, we need to go find new cheese.
Martin De La Gabcho: Well this sounds an interesting book!
Tim Bennett: Yes I’ll put a link in that to the book as well.
It’s great, in fact I think there’s also on YouTube, there’s a little animated cartoon about 15 or 20 minutes long and it’s like, it’s done like a children’s story, but it’s actually a very powerful business book and it’s one of the best-selling business books around for a long time.
Ken Blanchard or something (Actually Dr. Spencer Johnson) wrote it’s excellent.
Yeah Anyway Martin thank you very much for being with us.
I really appreciate you taking the time.
I’m sure that this is going to inspire a lot of people to to get off their ass and stop crying and go and do something and I’m sure if anyone wanted either to use the studio that you have there or if they needed any help in setting up their own studio, I’m sure you’d be more than willing to help them yes?
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes, yes!
Okay, great… Just quickly I want to say two things at the end, that I would like to thank all for the companies that inspire me in the past, like the pioneers in the past, like I don’t know, like Lobo, Sollinger, Laser System Europe and when I was, that time, as a student, I really, I really watch with open mouth, which show they do and that’s inspired me like this is what I want to do, and that means that bring me here today.
Tim Bennett: Brilliant and you know I think that’s a wonderful place to be, when you suddenly discover and it’s a little bit as my story, I’m not going to get teary-eyed or anything, but you know, I was 28 when I first saw a laser and I literally had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and then I saw a laser and then I went “I want that!”
Martin De La Gabcho: Yes so I think you are equal in this.
Tim Bennett: Yes So I really understand.
Great Okay, well thank you very much for being here.
Say hi to the team back in Kvant…
I appreciate them always being part of ArgonTV and sending photos and having videos with me, it’s great to always have you here and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
So come back anytime with new developments or new products.
You’re always welcome here.
And thank you very much for taking the time to be with us here on ArgonTV…
We’ve been talking to Martin De La Gabcho about Kvant Light Sessions, behind me and we’ll see you all again very soon in another exciting episode of ArgonTv
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No Kvant Light Sessions Staff were harmed in the making of this article.
This post “Kvant Light Sessions – Unbelievably Pioneering Light Makes Business” Was written exclusively for Argon Animation Inc by Tim Bennett © 2021