Kvant Show Production – Solutions For Your Ideas And Projects

Kvant Show Production – Solutions For Your Ideas And Projects

Kvant Show Production - With ArgonTV

Kvant Show Production

We Find Solutions For Your Ideas And Projects


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3 – Kvants Website here



Kvant Show Production


Kvant Show Production


Tim Bennett: Kvant Show Production is a company name that you will have heard of many, many times, if you’ve been involved in laser show production for more than just a short while.


And in a moment, we’re going to find out why it’s such a popular name and why it’s such a popular company, because I’m joined today by the project manager, Mr Michal Rezek from Kvant.


But before we meet him, let’s just get a quick taste of Kvant Show Production and a little intro demo…


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Arena Lighting from Kvant


Michal Rezek: So hi to all.


My name is Michal Rezek and I’m a project manager and Head of Business Solutions here at Kvant Show Production.


And I’m about to answer some question from Mr. Bennett and unfortunately, Michal Simkovic the CEO of Kvant Show Production can’t be here with us today, so I hope you will enjoy it anyway.


Tim Bennett: It’s awesome and thank you for being here with us at ArgonTV.


I’m very excited to have you. representing Kvant, because we’ve actually had a lot of people asking me to interview you as a company, you have generated a lot of interest over the last few years, but let’s let’s go back all the way to the beginning, when did you actually first start the company?


Michal Rezek: Like me personally.


Tim Bennett: No, no. When was Kvant started?


Michal Rezek: Yeah, you know. Well, I’m sure you know, but the story of Kvant started like 25 years ago with Mr Kubosek and Mr Mach.


Two students at university decided to construct their first laser and establish the Kvant company here in Bratislava Slovakia.


And need to say, that not every laser system constructed by Kvant was for entertainment.


But yes, let’s talk about us, let’s talk about our evolution…


Also, but if we talk about Kvant Show Production, when you a laser producer, you always need some guys who know how to program it, how to how to control it and so… naturally!


So, in one way, there was research and producing and on the other (side), there always have been some guys more interested in programming and the shows and installation so on!


And because the company was growing and we were creating more and more shows which started to be interesting worldwide, the company had to be divided.


So we are still one Kvant, but, you know, like, three years ago, Kvant created three departments…like Kvant lasers, which is doing research, manufacturing and sales of lasers…


…Kvant Show Production – proposals programming, installations and doing all about the laser shows and the multimedia shows…


…and also KvantLED, Which is a department with unlimited warehouse filled with higher quality LED screens.


So what I want to say is, the story of show production department of Kvant is not a new project at all.


Building Lighting


Tim Bennett: Yeah 25 years. I’m sure you have…


I’m sure you have many, many stories that you can tell, but that makes you one of the very first companies involved in laser production, laser show production, manufacturing…


That makes that makes you one of the most established companies around from that time.


How long have you been working personally with Kvant?


Michal Rezek: Oh, oh, unfortunately, I’m just 30 years old and I started in Kvant like three years ago.


So, oh, yes, I started as a technician assistant and so on, but yes, there are a lot of experience in three years, because we are growing very fast, but what to say, just three years! Compared with the guys are which are here for 20 years.


Tim Bennett: Well, three, three years is…


Three years is still 10% of your life.


So, so you are based in Slovakia, is that correct?


Michal Rezek: Correct. Correct, yes.


Tim Bennett: And how many offices globally, do you have or is this your only one?


Michal Rezek: How many, sorry?


Tim Bennett: How many offices do you have? Or branches around the world? Or are you are you doing all the operations from Slovakia?


Michal Rezek: Mostly, but we have some some our partners in USA or in Europe or in China.


There is also some offices of Kvant, but most of most of us are based here in Bratislava.


Tim Bennett: Okay, excellent. And what kind of equipment do you use at events?


Concerts and Lasers


Michal Rezek: Oh yeah, you know each occasion demands different technology and equipment that’s why our division, owns a wide selection of options and we know how to get maximum performance from it all.


And our warehouse is packed with the top Kvant lasers up to 33 watts and we have more than 100 lasers ready to be used or rented right now… immediately!


So also video projectors.


I mean, the best video projectors on the market.


And we can use it in the most professional way, thanks to our specialised video production team.


Besides this, we also offer spotlights, fog screen technology, kinetic motors with lighting objects, like balls or tubes and also tubes can be installed in to various shapes according to wishes of the customer.


And then waterscreens, sparkular cold fountains (like a cold pyro effect), Holofans, Hologlass and original Hologram Technology and so what we do is connecting multimedia elements into one great timeline show.


Tim Bennett: That’s excellent. But you, I, I just picked up on something you said there… Do you also rent equipment as well?


Michal Rezek: We rent it and we are doing also show production.


So if you just need to rent some of our equipment, just email me!


Show Production


Tim Bennett: Excellent!


I will definitely get your contact details and share them with people who are watching the video.


In 25 years I’m guessing you’ve done a lot of events as a company, what’s the biggest event you’ve ever done?


Michal Rezek: Of course, there are always some bigger shows and smaller shows and but I cannot say, which was said the biggest to me or what was better, or what was not so good because my philosophy is always be better than yesterday…


That means to do things better today – Every day!


So today’s project must be better than yesterday.


So it’s not very easy to answer this question.


But personally I do always recommend our fans or clients follow us on our YouTube channel, Facebook or Instagram, so they can decide what or which is their favorite show by Kvant…


But still there are, of course, there are some better shows…


Let me help myself with a short list of our shows…


I can just read…


…the list is very long can you see?


So for example of media show in Lebanon or opening show for opening of stadium, Football Stadium, or Ice Hockey World Championship opening, anniversary of City Booms Device.


KHL All Star game or opening and closing Maccabi Games, Israel…


Anniversary of City of Hanoi, Vietnam and some opening ceremonies Olympics Asia Winter Games.


And so we cooperate with a lot of artists and stars like David Guetta, DJ Tiesto and so on so it’s very, very difficult to say what the best was, which was the biggest…


Last year we did a great multimedia show in Italy, in the City of Arona, waterscreen on the lake and a lot of our lasers moving heads and beams – that was that was really great.


Large Laser Shows


Tim Bennett: Very nice, very nice.


And of course, this year 2020, has been a very uniquely different year to every other year because of the Covid 19 situation, how have you coped with that?


Michal Rezek: Well, the last few months were challenging for all of us, this situation rose, different kinds of events in online world and we had a perfect occasion to fully use of a brand new showroom which was finished right before Corona started,


So yes the show room was the topic in control production for Kvant because our clients use the space for live streaming or concerts or shooting video clips and so on.


Tim Bennett: Excellent. So it looks like you’ve been able to get through this period, okay and and moving forward, what future plans do you have?


Michal Rezek: As I said before, to go bigger, to go harder, to go better in everything we do…


Design, preparation, programming, laser and multimedia shows, all the way from the drawing board to the audience applause…


Whether the client has the perfect idea or incomplete vision or he doesn’t even know where to start, we are able to grasp project at any phase and require a show to create emotions that stay with the audience, long after the show has finished.


It means we believe in combining a wide variety of multimedia elements into one show timeline.


So this is how we want to be known – full production, turnkey solutions with a lot of emotions for audience and doesn’t really matter if it’s opening ceremony, concert or festival, we always bring something more into all the visual experience.


This is the goal!


Tim Bennett: Excellent and Kvant have a very good reputation for high quality equipment.


Michal Rezek: Thank you.


Tim Bennett: When I talk in the community, a lot of people say to me, your equipment is very excellent, first class equipment.


And you know you have a lot of competition, especially from companies in China and the bringing out the not so high quality equipment…


What would you say to somebody who was thinking about buying either equipment or a multimedia show?


Why should they choose Kvant?


Michal Rezek: Oh,


Well, let’s say, the market is wide and I can say the Kvant lasers are still very high quality and maybe because it is always produced in Slovakia and because we are working just with a real professionals and we always try to do good name for our products and for our brand mark.


From Kvant in interview with ArgonTV


Tim Bennett: Excellent. Thank you very much. And then finally, if one of the viewers of this video would like to get in touch with you, What’s the best way they can contact you?


Michal Rezek: Oh, thank you for asking that.


I guess the best way to contact us via email, it’s showproduction@kvant.sk I didn’t know if you will write this email somewhere…


Tim Bennett: Yeah, so that’s showproduction@kvant.sk


Michal Rezek: We will, you know (reply) in 12 hours maybe


Tim Bennett: Yes, they have to remember the time zone differences, you’re based in Eastern Europe, yes?


Michal Rezek: Middle of Europe…


Tim Bennett: Yeah. Okay. All right.


Well, Michal, thank you so much for being here with us today. It’s, it’s been a pleasure and just chatting with you briefly about your company.


And we really appreciate your time here and we wish you all the best in the future with Kvant.


Michal Rezek: Thank you. And also we wish you all the best and hope to see you. See you soon.


Tim Bennett: Thank you.


So this is Tim Bennett with ArgonTV and I have been talking with Michal Rezek from Kvant Show Production.


Who find solutions for your ideas and projects.


We look forward to seeing you again very soon.


Thank you, Michael.


Michal Rezek: Have a nice day. Bye.


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Vltava Zije 2016


Ceny ILDA, KVANT 2017


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Kvant Show Production - With ArgonTV


This post “Kvant Show Production – Solutions For Your Ideas And Projects” Was written exclusively for Argon Animation Inc by Tim Bennett © 2020

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  1. […] do have some… we’ve got a couple of Kvants and a Club Kat and we borrowed and a couple other projectors for our Hollow […]

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